Brand Development & Licensing

We have been responsible for several successful startup businesses and licensed properties. We support upcoming brands with our extensive network & also develop brands with our artists from scratch.

Our current brand licensing programs are listed below. 
We partner with a limited number of licensing partners and have a strong focus on product quality, and sustainability, as well as a high degree of brand DNA.

If you are interested in becoming a licensing partner, please fill in the contact form and we will review if we have a current need for a new partnership.

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Julia Gash™

We represent the brand licensing programs of the brand Julia Gash™ in the region Asia. Julia Gash's most known Cityscape Collection fits to high-end range of souvenirs as well as commercial images, which can be customized to every city. The exclusive map-like illustrations communicate an honest and playful interpretation of the cities around the world, which connects with customers and offers them an affordable and on-trend products and memorable keepsake.

Julia Gash ™(ジュリア・ガッシュ)は、英国生まれのサステナブルなギフトウェアブランド。当社ではJulia Gash ™のブランドライセンスプログラムをアジア全域向けにご用意しています。 Julia Gash ™の人気のあるCityscapeコレクションは、街に合わせてカスタマイズ可能。
英国にて製造されているJulia Gash ™ブランド商品の日本向け窓口も担当しておりますので、お気軽にお問い合わせください。

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We represent the worldwide licensing program of the very unique brand Alinea, designed by Claudia Reese. Animals, insects, plants and the people in fantasy world are created by her hand made stamps, which gives one and only images. Charming but ironical philosophy of Alinea world appeal borderless customers over generations.

当社ではアーティストClaudia Reeseの世界を体現したブランドAlineaのライセンスプログラムをご提案しています。独自の世界観を作り上げるAlineaワールドの動物、昆虫、植物が、 少しノスタルジックでありながらファンタジー溢れるイラストで登場します。 ステーショナリー、ギフトウェア、バッグ、などのプロダクトライセンシングに加え、ビジュアルイメージのご提案も可能です。


License Inquiry / ライセンシングに関するお問い合わせ